I've been to Paris several times, but in the summer of 2007 I had the opportunity to stay there for a little over a month. The time I spent there was magical. I stayed with a host family in a lovely apartment in the 16th arrondissement. This is the view off the balcony of the apartment I stayed at.

I wish I had practiced my french more and learned more while I was there, but a guy I had dated from there ended up meeting up with me and I spent my whole summer in love instead ;-) I guess that is really what Paris is all about anyway LOL.
I took many pictures of the fabulous bread in Paris. I am fascinated by their bread artisans!! Here is a photo I really liked.

The thing that really strikes me about Paris is everything seems to be an art. The French take such pride in how they do things. It is a true town of perfectionism! The pastries are gorgeous, the cheese delicious, the wine superb and the food magnificent. If it isn't good they won't serve it.
Here is a picture of some wonderful french cheese.

Here are some cakes and pies I took a quick shot of.

I love the fact that you can sit in a cafe all day, people watch and slowly sip a cafe au lait or some wine and they don't chase you out or get upset that you've been there for 4 hours. Everything is in it's own time. There's always time for one more glass of good wine.
Here I am making sure none of the wine goes to waste :)

I took many photos in Paris and collected lots of herbs at the markets there for the soap. When I'm feeling a little dull I just take my photos out and the life pumps right back into me as if I were there and my creative juices start flowing again.
My rolled soaps were inspired by pastries. I get some of the kookiest ideas some times LOL. OH PARIS I WILL BE BACK!!
Thanks for letting me share this with you, I hope you enjoyed the photos. Be sure to continue signing up for the contest for the free bar of soap on the post below this one.
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DeShawn Marie Handcrafted Soap to sign up for the contest.