
Thursday, September 06, 2012

Green Tea Health Benefits

There are many health benefits to green tea.  Drinking just a cup a day can benefit your health in more ways than one.  Please share this with friends, family and co-workers.

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  • DeShawn Marie Etsy Shop

    The Soap Sister said...

    I have to giggle as I sit here drinking my daily quart of brewed green tea! :) I switched from coffee about six months ago, (never thought I could)and now I just LOVE it. Thanks for the great info. ~Becky

    DeShawn Marie said...

    Oh I so wish I could give up coffee!!! Congrats to you on that switch!!

    Wholesale Beverages said...

    Green tea is the best food source of a group called catechins.

    Katherine said...

    Great blog, really interesting read,

    Donna Crabtree said...

    The presence of antioxidants in green leaf tea is the biggest way it can help your body in defense and in the promotion of better health.